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hootsbox  ·  4440 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Jury Is No Longer Out

So then, nobody of a religious "persuasion" or holds any religious values other than the "secularist society" outlook should attend a public university or take any curriculum that goes against the "secular vision". This is discrimination at its apex; it is the opposite of "tolerance", which the "secularists" pride themselves so much with. This view is bigoted, narrow minded, cloistered, and has been "foisted" on society, especially on the newer generations, by "secularist" and so called "progressive" university elitist academics, in order to usher in their "progressive view" of what society should look like. This is also a direct abridgment of the US Constitution, and has no ground in either historical precedent, current precedent (other than judicial activism and abuse of the constitutional limits placed upon the judiciary), historical records, writings of the Founders and such documentation that is in abundance if one only researches it and doesn't absorb the "secularist drool" that comes down the pike from the elitist press and academia (starting with John Dewey and Roger Baldwin and other like-minded secularists). So, you (society) would be totally exclusive of anyone with religious persuasions from pursuing any field of endeavor that goes against their long held beliefs. Well, if that is the case, and all religious minded people must abandon their beliefs in subservience to the secular mindset, then you should give us our tax dollars back and we will go to other institutions that will honor the US Constitution and our historical precedence. Let's see, that would generally be at least half the population - or about 150 million people! I think the people in charge that foster these types of bigoted, biased, academic rules should resign in favor of real education (isn't that what Universities are supposed to be?) where all views are discussed, debated, and honored. Otherwise, we tread down the road to the Fascist mindset of, "if you agree with me (government or societal rulers) fine, if not, shut up, get out, or we will slap you in prison!

Let's don't go down that road - history teaches us better!