THE GUY IN THE BOAT, DAVID David Brooks' whole schtick is "but I like rich people, therefore they can't be evil" and since he's been on NPR the average wish-I-went-to-Woodstock yuppie has been able to go "but look I have a diversity of ideas I listen to NPR's pet conservative!" There are a few unassailable, anthropological truths that lolbrooks is just whiffing right over: -Urbanization is a 200-year trend. It reflects the network effects of industrialization and mechanization. lolbrooks can blame it on people who make fun of his sandwich but - the "supermanager" class is a post-war American construct whose roots lie in the Marshall Plan. - The richer you are the more Republican you are. So lolbrooks can want that college professor clearing $90k a year to be the true elite? But Charles Koch earns more than a billion a month. And that's not gonna change no matter how many times lolbrooks says "bobo."So who’s of a higher social class? The guy in the boat, or the kid with the fancy words?