You're right, and maybe this is a part of why everybody in my generation and younger are leaving their fucking jobs! Who's paying me benefits to do work for them? My employer, so yeah, they should be absorbing some amount of risk. If that priority mismatch is "this is how I operator from April through August and you get better work from me because of it" then so be it. September through March, you want basically guaranteed consistency, you got it. Okay now do the same think vs. actual exercise for people falling back on the age discussion! This is fun! In your ideal world, what would the gap look like? What would somebody do with their PTO if they had plans and had to burn it because of bad weather, conditions, etc.? Because me, as a human being, provides better value & work when I am happy, and I am happy when I'm climbing or out in nature. So I guess there's the value proposition - and yeah you could say that's a mismatch in priorities or whatever, but what's the point, man? I work to live, not live to work (yay shitty sayings, but I'm in a shitty mood, so), and if an employer were to try and make me live in a way I don't want to live then, again, maybe it's time to reconsider. I’m not running a small business. I don’t have expecting mother’s as customers. I don’t have health sensitive work. Clearly I would not be your employee, and that's okay!I know because "I might not be here on Friday" is harder to deal with than "I won't be here on Friday." Getting spooled up about the zen mysticism of mountaineering does the same thing always does: "you wouldn't understand you're an outsider" is an unsympathetic standpoint, particularly when your use of your time absolutely does not matter to the organization you're taking time off from.
Who's climbing the mountain, you or your employer? Then who should assume the risk of bad weather, you or your employer? 'cuz right now? You're expecting your employer to absorb it.
Sure. And what I'm saying is that, based on the way you're approaching this, there may be a priority mismatch between you and your employer. This is your opportunity to close the gap.
PROTIP: every person who thinks he's saying "you just don't understand" is effectively saying "I'm just not going to bother explaining it to you." I owned a harness and Five Tens before you were born so maybe contemplate why I have an opinion rather than looking for reasons it's invalid.