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goobster  ·  1090 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: SpinLaunch conducts first test of suborbital accelerator at Spaceport America

I remember when they were trying to put enormous flywheels in the floor of public buses, which would be the source of motive power. Electromagnets under the ground at each stop were to recharge the spin of the flywheel. (Short version.)

There was much concern expressed about the safety of an enormous piece of steel under the floorboards spinning at thousands of RPMs, and what could happen to the passengers in the event of a hardware failure or accident.

I seem to remember the were going to address the problem with some sort of graphite flywheel that would basically explode into a giant ball of harmless thread in the event the flywheel failed for any reason. Spinning wheel, WHOOMPF, flywheel chamber full of graphite thread.

Now... hear me out here... if the throwing arm in the SpinLaunch design is DESIGNED to explode into a cloud of graphite threads immediately upon release of the projectile.... does that burn off the energy left in the system after the projectile exits the building? Could that be a design feature to address some of the issues left behind once the launch happens?

Ok, yeah, it's a stupid thought experiment. But then so is SpinLaunch and it EXISTS. I'd like to at least think someone in one of those rooms has wondered what happens to the arm once it releases...? Someone? Anyone...? Hello? Is this thing on...?