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am_Unition  ·  1082 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ottawa truckers' convoy galvanizes far-right worldwide

DHS is now all over this.

Mark my words, this is going to snowball into a big threat to American social stability and the rule of law, obvz especially in the cities, where the democrats live. The American right has verified the trucker blockade method (and the trucker demographic for use as pawns, at least initially before expanding) as something that will mobilize their most rabid believers.

They will use the free press coverage of the Super Bowl disruption to recruit, and by the State of the Union address, on March 1st, this gon' be ugly. Once this kicks off, the boots-on-the-ground people and "protest" coordinators will get some dope-ass funding from multi-millionaire/billionaire agitators.

am_U's recommendations for the near future: Anticipate further supply chain disruption, avoid areas near government buildings, especially in the central districts of capitol cities of the larger population states (but especially D.C.), and expect any chaos to continue with minimal pushback from local law enforcement departments.

If you can come back here after March 1st and say "Damn boiiiiiii, you were hilariously wrong!!", I will be so happy :D.