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Thanks, I gave up after a while of scrubbing through the vid. Blink and ya miss it, eh? So, no support along the chamber axis of symmetry, yet. LOL

Hey, here's another entire thing we haven't ragged on yet: The orbit!! You get one orbit per facility. But you can steer a first stage rocket quite a few degrees by gimbaling the engine to one side. And now I'm in stitches trying to imagine attempting to steer a spunlaunch with little thrusters in the lower atmosphere. I'm sure they'll target geosynchronous orbit, since that'd be the most in-demand. But, like you said, who cares? It doesn't matter. It really doesn't.

    The thing that blows my mind about that video is the only stuff that we didn't call out a year ago is stuff that is actually worse.

Yeah I was cruising that first thread from 900-odd days ago and feeling like a smug bastard. It's good that this place is pseudonymous because these are the types of companies that'll go after you for "slander", I'm sure.