The Republican party has a long history of just grabbing someone largely at random, and propping them up as The Next Big Thing and then throwing money at them. John McCain was never consulted about Sarah Palin being his runningmate for President. They brought her in to meet him one day on his airplane, he thought she was a dipshit and said no way... but they'd already sent out the press release before the meeting ended. Herschel Walker was a big name NFL player popular with Texas Boomer White Men, so they thought, "Let's make him Governor of... umm... GEORGIA!" And just slammed him into that open hole with no lube or even a kiss... someone just thought his name-recognition was an NFL player would be adequate to make him an excellent Governor for Georgia. This happens over and over and over again, and shows what absolute contempt the Republican Party has for their voters. And they fall for it every single time.... except now? It appears from exit polls that a LOT of Republican voters went for Warnock.