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kleinbl00  ·  573 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Credit Suisse Bond-Wipeout Threatens $250 Billion Market

Big executive power has been Bill Barr's raison d'etre for the past 40-odd years. The unitary executive is one of the core beliefs of the Federalist Society. Limiting executive power is about as bleeding-heart liberal a position as you can take - I think you're confusing "liberals" with "democrats" when "democrats" count as anyone who cheers against the Republicans.

I also think that you're forgetting Occupy Wall Street - a much more vituperative, popular and powerful movement that came about for the exact same reason as the Tea Party. OWS's problem was they didn't organize for shit, they didn't align themselves with anything and they didn't accomplish a fucking thing.

That, more than anything, is the most frustrating aspect of American liberalism: the utter inability to focus beyond our own noses. "Black lives matter" yeah but if you want to actually change anything you need more than lawn rainbows you need the Black Panthers. If the assorted amoebas of BLM and Antifa were to take one look at the 3 percenters or the Proud Boys? Fuckin' watch out.

In general? Right wing rabble-rousers are a bunch of pussies. But in general? Left-wing rabble-rousers are a bunch of feckless, inconsequential pussies. It drives me crazy.