Dude this seems like a big fucking deal to me: This too: DOes that say what I think it does? You electrolyze the shit not much hotter than hydrogen, and keeping it in a bottle with nothing but CO2 above it keeps it running? 'cuz my water-welder makes fucktons of hydrogen with a scary amount of (cheap) potassium. This seems entirely doable. However, when the partial pressure of CO2 in the overhead gas, PCO2, reaches 1 atm and above, bicarbonate dominates in the aqueous phase: [HCO3−(aq)] ≫ [CO32−(aq)] (Figure 1F). This means that the freshly prepared bicarbonate feedstock could be converted into formate with a theoretical yield of ∼100% with nearly zero carbon efficiency loss, if in a constant CO2 partial pressure environment of PCO2 = 1 atm or higher.