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spencerflem  ·  259 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 24, 2024

Ok, if I understand correctly, your point is that Biden is the best president we could have possibly hoped for. Which maybe is true, you know the system & history way better than me. I don't feel comfortable arguing that.

I still don't agree with the conclusion that this is not incredibly sad, but I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that. If it's just how things be that the US is a vassal state of Israel and always has been and will be, and that the only thing we can do for climate change is a trillion dollars in handouts to billionares, and that only losing Some rights in Some states is a huge policy win, and that the most that can possibly be done against the ever increasing financialization and gutting of our economy is 2% more lawsuits from the IRS.

Idk, can't I at least be upset? Why do I have to like the guy that utterly embodies business as usual?

"If you hate the Democrats, and you hate the Republicans, what's left?" Nothing! That's why living in this country feels so awful and bleak. I don't think things are getting better under Biden. They're getting worse slower, for sure, but I'm not even convinced we're on an upswing. And you're right, I don't have any alternatives, and progress seems complicated, so much as to be impossible.

"You don't "desperately want something to hope for" so desperately that you'll actually look."

This is fair. I'll have to reflect on it more. It'd probably be good for my sanity to take the little wins when they come.