Thank you for your civil response. Now posting: The Chart (scroll a bit down): Look, uh, some of those things? Do you want colonization or not?? I'm not sure what it looks like, to you. It might look like space tomatoes. Do you think it is easy, getting a NASA grant? Do you think it is frivolous? Are all of your friends on NASA grants? In fact the funding landscape has not grown with complexity of science, just like in every sector of science, basically, and NASA proposal approval rates are now asymptotically approaching about 10% in every single size of mission and instrument development design, down from much higher in the past. Like 25% plus in the 90's. "But it's so bad now!" Why?? Why do you think that?? Because we're all strained economically? Yeah, I know! I know! And there's the richest guy in the world trying to dissolve something that at the very least requires more finesse than "oh can we get the nuclear scientists back that we accidentally fired?" I feel like I'm the only one reading more than a headline or two a day or something? I don't know. OK I'm almost done does anyone else want to? NASA gave you basically your entire smartphone, for starters. I mean what is this even what are we doing here. Here it's now in easily-digestible image form, maybe that will be absorbed?: QUICK, click now before the site is taken down and we can all forget about how NASA has ever done anythingNASA has done basically fuck all,