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Raxyn13 · 4434 days ago · link · · parent · post: Ask Hubski: If you could know when and how you would die, but couldn't change it, would you want to know?
Unlike many folks who browse sites such as this, I'm a Christian. I try to do my best by people and, more importantly, by God, and that's how I want to live every day. To know how and when I would die would be like cheating: I could do whatever I want and live the worst, most sinful life, and then at the last minute try to change. Now, I'm pretty sure God wouldn't see that as sincere, but it would certainly increase the temptation. "Oh, I've still got X years/months/days/hours left, I can totally get away with this". Even if I still lived a pious life (or as pious as any could achieve) the temptation would always be there, poking at my head. So no, I think I quite like the surprise in store for me. Hope this didn't sound too preachy.