I have to disagree about this not being mocking, as I think it is just a tad. Although the author begins by distancing herself from the Nice Guys of OKC behavior, she does talk down to the reader, assuming the reader is a 'nice guy that just doesn't get it'. Personally, I think it's unfair to classify people in this way. There is truth to the cliché, but there is also a danger of belittling someone and assuming too much about their intentions. I have known people that knew each other for quite some time in a platonic relationship before they formed a romantic one. I'm sure that at one point before this change there were some unrequited emotions. People are complicated, and so are romantic feelings. There's nothing wrong for a man or a woman to be attracted to a friend. It happens all the time. Asymmetric attraction is a fact of life, and I would guess that most of the 'nice guys' do in fact get it. That said, I am not a woman, and I know that I cannot appreciate the other end of this equation. Of course, creepiness should not be tolerated, and respect is the basis of friendship. But, do these points need to be framed in this cliché? IMO it's not entirely constructive. I don't see many 'nice guys that don't get it' genuinely benefiting from this post. It seems in part to be a cathartic exercise.