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notseamus  ·  4299 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is it like to be exposed to new technology after a 20+ year prison sentence

this is his site, but it gives no indication of what he was in for: http://michaelsantos.com/about/

But 25 years must have meant something serious. He looks like he's been busy since he got out anyway.

eta: nvm, it was non violent drug charges:

A close friend of mine, whom I will call Alex, was involved in the distribution of small amounts of cocaine. Because of my position in my family's firm, I had access to large sums of money. I chose to use some of that money--without my parent's knowledge-to join my friend Alex's scheme by financing a large cocaine purchase. We purchased three kilograms of cocaine for the purposes of reselling them to realize a profit. The transaction lasted about twelve hours, and after replacing the money I had inappropriately taken from my family's firm, Alex and I split a profit of $4O,OOO.