I disagree. That's why I posted. "A simple look into a book store's scifi/fantasy section" shows a lot less sexism than it ever has before. here's the last edition of Game of Thrones prior to the HBO series (which, you must admit, is rife with sex): Here's the edition before that: I linked to two publishers and a bookseller. For completeness, here's Barnes & Noble. Here's Tattered Cover. Here's Powell's.. You are making the same mistake as the author: you are projecting what you want to be true on to what is true. As I wrote this, Arcana sent out their PR for their Free Comic Book Day: There isn't even any cleavage on this page. Yeah, the Wicked Witch is showing a little leg, but c'mon. There's more skin and sex in the average playbill for the Vagina Monologues.