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Hein  ·  4274 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Great "listen straight through" albums

I think naming rock-opera's like The Wall, Tommy or Jesus Christ Superstar is also cheating because they're made to be listened to as a whole. There are a lot of albums that have no "lesser" numbers but some artists are much better in organizing a kind of lyrical sequence with build up, climax and catharsis all in one (even turning the record(s) over adds to this!) Pink Floyd were great at it. But let's not forget Nick Cave & the bad seeds (From her to eternity/The firstborn is dead), Joy Division (Unknown Pleasures, Closer), The Cure (Seventeen Seconds/Faith/Pornography) Arcade Fire (Funeral/Neon bible/The Suburbs) Swans (Soundtracks for the blind) Dead Can Dance (all their albums).