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thenewgreen · 4402 days ago · link · · parent · post: Pastor Who Refused To Pay Applebee's Service Charge Becomes Unwitting Poster Child For Server Pay And Tax Issues.
This is crass, but what the hell.... I totally misread this at first to read I went from being a bus-boy to being a manager at a fine dining restaurant. Most people bus tables or bar-back as a stepping stone to waiting tables or bar tending. It's a sort of farm system for talent in the restaurant. The cream will rise to the top. -ew. But kleinbl00 is right that when you are a bus-boy or "servers assistant" as we called them, you will take better care of the servers that take good care of you. It's in the servers best interest to take good care of the bussers.When I used to bareback I treated the bartenders at our club as my customers
It makes for a very different sentence when you add the "e".