I was raised Seventh-Day Adventist, and now am an Atheist. For me I grew up entirely in the church with schooling and church every weekend. All of my knowledge was obtained through the church until I met the internet. While it certainly didn't change me right away, the access to knowledge that actually made some sense to me started m on the path towards atheism. Honestly I was probably bitter about some things that happened in my childhood, but that isn't the reason I changed. Once I realized how amazing science was, and being skeptic, my rational mind took over and I couldn't get enough of it. At first I called myself agnostic and then atheist after I read Dawkins "The God Delusion". Soon I found myself in the midst of a sea of skepticism that I didn't even realize existed. I don't know why I wrote this, but I guess my point is that it wasn't only one thing that drove me away from religion. Now I just have to figure out how to break it to my poor parents.