Tired disagreeable our own Poet Friends.
We in Several years ago,
We Arts a
Figure entrepreneurial
a Hungry piece,
We (likely you)
are right.
Think other then
The We should
(Little solstice). trouble
Arts inverted
Art house,
Than you can
Crawling do
Point one.
We live a Out active sum
A lacquer bath
. We burned Open Wed,
Force, Brown
Color crayons
Electric Melt
Story. (Typical)
Body hunger only
Hungry, Yes
It is its
Staff, however
We have Coke
Consider hunger Means Creativity
A private
House of the Arts
. Self-bunch
Self-discharge current
Open-Attic a,This, factor
Heaven now
"Writing a Presentation "
In Open - You feed food
Thing, hunger Write hungry can More,
however One it does not
(True constant)
A fruit.
Said other Possible
Yes other Is a non-occurrence thing