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mk  ·  4817 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Amazing algorithms to enhance images
Gimp just seemed all wonky to me. Maybe that was it. What do you mean by one window? If you have two images open, do they act more separately than Photoshop?

I really wanted to get into Ubuntu. I write a game book, and would have been happy to make a transition from Word/Acrobat/Photoshop, but Gimp was just a deal-breaker.

Long ago, Mac used to have a a suite called ClarisWorks that I remember fondly. It was simple, but very stable and intuitive. I never followed it into AppleWorks. But, for as good as Apple is at UI, you would think they could make an incredible word processor/image editor combo.

I was hoping to find an improvement in Ubuntu. OpenOffice is fine. But Gimp is aptly named IMHO.