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thundara  ·  4278 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why, exactly, is the PC market in trouble?

    The gamer gear is the gamer gear and shall be the gamer gear forever and ever amen

While it might still hold true for accessories, I rather disagree with this sentiment in the context of PC hardware. Long long ago, I built my own computer. It was "pretty good" for the time. It could run games, pretty good games. It also costed well upwards of a thousand dollars.

It has lasted many years, but nowadays, if I was wanted to buy something similar, it would cost me half the price. And that's not even taking into account the explosion of games in the horizontal direction of graphics. It's much less common that one requires "high end" to play any game on the market. Those toys are now targeted towards those with benchmarking fetishes (and, I suppose, professional digital artists).