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cliffelam · 4301 days ago · link · · parent · post: A Small Business Owner Explains the Hard Facts of Obamacare to Employees
A call for a non-ideological solution to a political problem always reminds me of the appeal towards a disinterested class who can solve such problems. They don't exist, but it's a cultural reflex that seems to exist in a lot of places. I refuse to discuss empiricism, rationality, and structural culture without a turleneck and a pipe. _XC PS - I would argue that it's not rational to think that a large government program can be created from scratch and then, after five years, get a good course correction to make it work better. I am completely unable to think of any such thing ever happening in the US. The Donk's gave us 1200 pages of turd to eat, and eat it we will. And our children's children....