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mk · 4238 days ago · link · · parent · post: Ask Hubski: Have you ever taken a prolonged break from your web activities? How'd it turn out?
The longest break I've had in the last few years was two weeks. It was nice. It really feels like moving between two worlds. One thing that I became more aware of were the people that largely live without it. In some sense, I think our interactions on the net work as a dialog that we can move into and out of. Even when I'm not online, if I have been recently, my thoughts will often wander to my last or next interaction: what I said, what someone said, what I want to say. If I unplug for a few days, that dialog falls silent. I know a few people that consciously unplug from time to time. I believe that it is a healthy thing to do. IMO shifting your perspective from time to time is a healthy thing in general.