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jgerardi12  ·  4154 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: LGBT Fight starts in Michigan

So for 50 states legalizing same sex marriage, do any of you seeing this a Supreme Court decision or just state by state? If gay marriage doesn't happen this month, it will happen when one conservative minded judge retires or dies. Just waiting for the state by state basis only guarantee about less than half the states for the foreseeable future.


Comparing gay marriage with another state issue capital punishment there are interesting parallels. There are currently 21 states that have abolished it. I see parallels with this because both gay marriage and capital punishment would have to be enacted if the Supreme Court flipped. If both were left up to state by state, at this rate gay marriage will eventually pass capital punishment because of the rate of which states are flipping. Thoughts?