Haha. OK, so the 200 person poetry group is a subreddit. It's mostly a dead subreddit, it was created as an alt to r/poetry, because people like to complain about how r/poetry sucks. (It's actually one of two subreddits I am a part of that were created as reactions to r/poetry.) The thing is, though, everyone's willing to complain about how much r/poetry sucks (due to lack of critique, not polished work, or whatever) but not a lot of people are willing to put in the effort to fix it. After all, it's a lot of work. Hell, I'm a shit mod for my subreddit which I am not even going to name because I don't want to be embarrassed. I was roped in as a mod by the guy who DID create the subreddit and asked to be as active as possible (while protesting I probably couldn't be very active). For a while it seemed to work, just like the OTHER poetry subreddit I'm a part of (which is private). Unfortunately though it requires a lot of sustained effort over an extended period of time and I just haven't the juice, really, to keep posting and responding to poems just to have people a) ignore my feedback b) get offended by my feedback c) take feedback and then not pass it on. For every person giving feedback there's like 5 or 10 new poems submitted. So, no, I didn't create it, just a mod, and I wouldn't be too excited about it if I were you. It's like being a mod of r/poetry...yes, it's "active" in that people submit and sometimes comment, and subscribe too I guess...but I don't put a lot into it. I'm mostly burnt out on it, really. I love Zeno's Paradox(es). I actually like to go to Wiki and read through their page of paradoxes. That's how I found Zeno's, actually.