Wait, wait. I must be missing something here. There must be something I just don't understand about cgod's long response. It got a badge and lots of cooing. however it seems to boil down to: 1) some folks shouldn't raise chickens (agreed); 2) some folks don't know what to do once a hen is beyond its egg-laying years (completely understandable); 3) the intersection of "chicken-parenting challenged" and "hipster" is not also the union (again, totally agreed); 4) folks have been using "hipster" to replace "arsehole" or "douche bag" when there are also differences (again, a good point); 5) it makes cgod angry to see the diverse patrons where he works clumped with the people they spent their lives avoiding (oh yes, agreed); 6) Then someone told an old Chris Rock joke from his 1996 HBO special (now it starts to fall apart); 7) This somehow puts 'hipster' into a harsher context as a pejorative (not necessarily a syllogistic conclusion but not necessarily wrong); 8) It also therefore equates 'hipster' with racial slurs, some of the most offensive ones in the English language. (...come again?) 9) Thus it's perfectly fine to throw racist comments around because cgod just proved he can't be a racist. I'm sorry. It doesn't work that way. Where I come from, I walk away from this trash. Now it's staring me in the face. You want to think "hipster" is as bad as wop (we'll take the softest slur in the bunch as an example)? That's cute, but it's wrong. No one lynched any hipsters recently. No one gets denied a job or a mortgage for being a hipster. It's not the same. It's not even close. I am seriously angry that the community favors cgod's remarks. His (there, I said it) white privilege (I'm saying it too) is showing. If you honor that, then you're part of a much larger problem.