I think because I'm spectacularly lucky to have houses. This is the first time a house of mine sank. The other time it was just trashed by a psychopath - But yeah, holes do seem to be a theme. I wish I had pictures. The house might be 150 years old. Under the sinking corner of the kitchen, was another floor of rotten wood. The sinking floor had just been built on top of the water damaged floor (caused by flood or plumbing malfunction). Beneath the rotten wood floor was the original floor and three layers of linoleum. I have homes, it's true, but I can't seem to get myself a smart picture-taking telephone and instructions on how to post these. Perhaps in the next decade. Correction: "Psychopath" isn't fair. A person who stumbled into adulthood with a barely diagnosed psychiatric disorder would be more accurate.
Note: While I am still potentially a magnet for the disordered, I'm learning to run the other way.