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_refugee_  ·  4117 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Do you have any scar stories?

Great question.

The oldest scar I vividly remember getting is from my brother. (Yes, this guy.) It was at my birthday party.

Now, fun fact, I'm born on Halloween, so I always had a Halloween-themed party. At this particular one, when I was probably about 8, my parents had set up a "spiderweb" with strands of yarn criss-crossing through our living room. The fun part about this was that every strand of yarn had, on one end, a clear plastic glove that had been stuffed with popcorn and candy corn fingernails so that they looked like hands. The other end of each strand was taped to the counter on one end of the living room. At my party, the time had come for all of the attendees to grab an end of yarn and unwind the web, to be rewarded with the literal hand full of sweets.

My brother and I were going through the room unwinding our strings, and we got to a point where ours twined around each other. I had been wrapping my yarn around my hand at that point because it was so long. My brother and I were confused over which strand was whose because of the way it was wrapped. We both were insistent that one of the strands was ours. (Why not just unwind it and find out? I don't know. We were children.) My brother angrily pulled on the yarn.

It was mine, and him pulling on it caused the yarn in my hand to run taught and now I have an inch-long scar on my pinky finger, right on the inside. I took a picture but am having trouble embedding it. Anyway, that is one of my many scars. I could also tell you about the time I got 11 stitches for falling up the stairs - graceful I am not - but I fear I'm getting long :)

Great question humanodon!