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humanodon  ·  4094 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear Hubski Book Club (pt. 2)

This round's book was chosen because of the the amount of interest shown in the previous thread. I hope that by conducting the book club in a more structured way, it will encourage people to participate. The more people we have expressing opinions about which books to read, the better, in my opinion.

You might ask people if they'd be interested in reading In Search of Lost Time (I've never heard of it) with you. I think that it would be cool if there were several book clubs reading books of different nature that people could join and participate in as they please. There are certainly some daunting books out there that I'd love to read with the knowledge that other people are reading them too and they'd also be interested in discussing their thoughts, feelings and opinions on the material. But again, participation is both the fuel and the engine of these things!

Why do you think In Search of Lost Time might not be right for a book club?

Edit: I did not realize that the book you are referring to is also known in English as Remembrance of Things Past. I see what you mean about it being a project, but I think if you got some people willing to tackle the material that it would be worth taking a stab at it.