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b_b  ·  4159 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski discussion: Breaking Bad

I'll preface what I'm about to say by saying that yes, there are spoilers that aren't blacked out in the following. It's your fault if you click on a BB discussion if you haven't seen the latest episode yet.

Anyway last night's episode was amazing, IMO. It's too often that anticipation leads to disappointment, but I didn't have that feeling yesterday. I think that Walt has solidified himself as a complete sociopath (if he hadn't already). The two scenes that I thought were priceless were the scene between Walt and Jesse and the Walt/Hank showdown. In the Jesse scene the only true statement that came out of Walt's mouth was, "I need you to believe me." I think Walk does need that, both for his own operation to continue smoothly, and so that he doesn't have to kill Jesse, who I think he actually cares about, perhaps the only person he cares about besides his own kids.

The ending of the show gave me chills, too. The line (paraphrasing) where he tells Hank, "If you really don't think you know who I am, then maybe you should tread lightly," is the greatest line in the whole show so far. Cranston deserves an Emmy for that. It was brilliant.

Whatever happens this season, I'm super geeked about it. The teasers with the giant gun in the back of the car are leading us to believe there is a Scarface-esque showdown in the offing (which was, of course, alluded to earlier in season 5 when Walt and Jr. are watching it on TV and Walt specifically points out the ending scene to Jr.), but who knows. Walt is way slimier than Tony Montana, so maybe he doesn't have a shootout in him, but only thinks he does. The only certainty is that this is going to end poorly for everyone.