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insomniasexx  ·  4084 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: This Is What Wi-Fi Would Look Like, If We Could See It

Here's another simple but fun thing.

I've drawn a line with my pen tool. I gave it some fun curves.

Now, by double clicking on the layer that contains the line, I get a menu with all sorts of stuff. I can put a gradient on it. It can be black-white or any number of colors. I can make it go left to right or radial or top to bottom or whatever.

I can add a glow to it. Whatever color, whatever size, whatever level of transparency.

I can add a drop shadow in a different color

And I can add texture to make it not as plain. You can download textures online too, or make your own.

With enough time and patience I could make it look like the one in the photo in the article. From there, I would need to make another layer and instead of making a line, use a fuzzy brush with a low opacity or blending mode to lay over the background. This is the reflection.

So I paint some with my brush:

Then I change the opacity and set to blending mode: lighten.

And change the color:





If you take enough time you can make it look good and realistic. That's more skill and time than I currently have.