(First post get.) Oh boy, this caught me at a fun time. I'm currently using DayOne for journalling on OS X, but I think I'm slowly switching over to my own frankenstein creation which is basically a ruby front-end to a pretty simple sqlite database. The point of this all being that most of the day I'm at a computer or other device and I can quickly pop open a terminal window, jot something down, and close it again. One problem I have is that my ideal journal/logging application/system/thing should take care of: * Regular, automated (or semi-automated) activity logging * A spark file for writing * Daily activity/task/note logging * A collection box for all non-actionable thoughts * A place for longer-form writing that I just want to get out right then and there * and also, a way of retrieving all of this data in a sane manner (which is where a computerised journal wins). So I guess the point of all this is to keep a record of what I'm doing and reflect on it in the short term (e.g. "What did I accomplish this week?"), but with a bonus of being able to reflect on it longer-term as well ("What was I going through a year ago today?"). This gentleman seems to have a pretty cool journalling system that popped up on my radar, and that's what's got me thinking about the best way to record all this stuff recently. If you want to keep it updated daily, perhaps a service like FollowUpThen could help? If you check your email a few times during the day, a well-timed email reminding you to write stuff down might help.I keep a journal with little aim or discipline. I'm hoping to take after the practice with more direction