I found this article interesting and infuriating all at the same time. Whenever there is one of these shootings, the media has to drop everything, and spend ten minutes looking for something to blame it on. It can never just be a mentally unstable person who snapped, nope, it has to be video games, or Islam, or politics, and now... Buddhism is to blame apparently. Here are the tough questions posed by the article.
One guy who attended a Buddhist temple briefly in 2010 shot a bunch of people, and now the Washington post is questioning the entire group. It also says he helped at a Thai restaraunt, yet no comparisons were drawn between people who enjoy a good Pad Thai and people who enjoy going on mass shooting sprees.
Personally, I'm just so sick of the media when it comes to news in these situations, in all forms. They always have to find something to blame, and they don't waste any time doing research. In this case, being a Buddhist in America and not being Asian was a unique thing they found in his past, so obviously this must be why he went on a shooting spree. Nevermind that he told military doctors that he was hearing voices, never mind that they didn't seem to care about that, nevermind that they didn't remove his access after he no longer worked there. None of that matters, Buddhists are the group that let his mental issues fall through the cracks. It was their responsibility.
Figured I would share with Hubski to see what others think about this.