Hello world!
Just a quick hello from the Hollywood land! I've heard a lot about this site and the people on it so I thought I would give it a shot. It seems as if the supportive, creative communities on the internet are like refugees- Wandering the desert looking for a place to call home. I hope that this is a new home for me.
About me. Well, I don't like talking about me that much. I'm a photographer, check out my site in the link above. I shoot food or people, and recently it's been food and people. I'm in a huge state of transformation right now- I just quit my soul sucking 9-5 (...6.....7....8) job to pursue a creative life. Also, I'm vegan and I love dogs, and hot dogs, but only vegan hot dogs. Actual hot dogs are kind of sad because they are all panty and drooly.
Anyway, take a look at my work, say hi, let me know what you think and hi!