They had moved half a dozen times before she had ever questioned the existence of the dark orb that hung from the corner of each of her bedroom ceilings. Aside from herself, it was the only constant that all of her bedrooms had in common. It hung like a black ramekin and was the size of a tennis ball cut in two. It was not a menacing presence, in fact she took comfort from it. When waking up suddenly from a bad dream, as she often did, she could orient herself by finding it's reassuring shape. When her first tooth came free, when she first learned to write her name, for countless bedtime stories and many midnight snacks, it had always been there. But never was it's presence more noteworthy than the night Tony Movano died.
humanodon you're up. Feel free to edit (severely, changing names, words, punctuation or scrap everything).
Anyone else interested?
zebra2, AshShields, kleinbl00, maynard, _refugee_, onehunna, Becoming_Betty, humanodon, lil, Floatbox, cW or theadvancedapes, insomniasexx, steve, thenewgreen