I'm thankful for a lot of things this year. The fact that nobody in my family has died this year as of this post, the support of my friends and family with the record label - releasing music - and everything else. I'm thankful to have such great friends that will always be there, as I'm quickly learning. This applies both to those made in high school and college.
I'm thankful to have a wonderful opportunity to be at the college I'm studying at and to have leadership opportunities there on top of being in the program that I'm in. Along those lines, I'm thankful for a potentially great internship starting in January. The last thing for now is how thankful I am for my girlfriend, and how much she has helped me get through some hard times this year, never judged me, and always supports me in the most selfless relationship I've been in. I will always be thankful for her.
What are you thankful for this year?