EDIT: It is now 9pm EST (or past it), I hope that you are fortunate enough to have a nice bottle of Pinot Noir to consume. First things first to give this some semblance of structure:
1. Raise your glass, cheers to good friends virtual or otherwise!
2. What bottle are you drinking? What prompted you to choose it?
3. Now that you've tried it, what do you think?
We can go from there, but I think that's a good start. Here is the IRC, which I plan on joining at 9:30 or 10:00.
See you on Hubski IRC for real time discussion of our awesome pinot's!
end edit _________----------------___________
Here are the two bottles I'm opening for the tasting:
If this post confounds you, check out the previous #hubskidrinkclub# posts.
_refugee_, mk, b_b, insomniasexx, flagamuffin, theadvancedapes, humanodon, cW, wasoxygen, zebra2, ijustcantanymore, ecib, Meriadoc, lil, cliffelam, sounds_sound, cgod, kleinbl00, elizabeth, pseydtonne, istara, steve, OftenBen, zebra2, coffeesp00ns, flagamuffin, BrainBurner, codingvagrant, kevinf311, ButterflyEffect, forwardslash, backslash, givello
I'm sure I missed some people from the previous post. On a whim, I'm going to guess that briandmyers would dig this too.
My wife is extremely close to giving birth (any day now) and potentially tonight. I will literally be "tasting" so I can drive in case something happens in which case one of you will have to steer the discussion.
See ya all tonight at 9EST!