I know you've got a lot of things on your mind, but the deadline isn't till tomorrow anyway, so just have your wife fax the car to the laundry and you'll shoot the email once you take a nap cant you see I'm eating fuck off I said I'll do it ugh I'm so tired I'll just take a nap oh it's too late now look it wasn't important anyway-- Hubski. Listen to yourself.
You have interests, some of them have budded into full-blown desires, and you've got enough motivation to launch a space shuttle but you're not following through. You're just not there, you skimped or slacked or took a week off the program you told all your friends you started, now you feel like you already failed so you're just gonna drop it...
Okay, maybe that whole thing was just me. But, I know you've got excuses too. So tell me about them. Hubski, what's your excuse? What is keeping you from doing and being and and checking off the list, from winning and taking and letting go and leaving? Is it a cloudy feeling a couple hours in, a busy schedule, a totally viable reason or an unshakable distraction? Are you completely unaware what's stopping you? Maybe you've got the feeling that you know, but you haven't really been honest with yourself?
Maybe you don't have an excuse, you don't need one.. Hell, you're doing fine! Either way or neither way, let's hear it.
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