A friend linked this to me after he found out my love of bands like Andrew Jackson Jihad and Bomb the Music Industry. Its a cover, but like Johnny Cashs' Hurt and Jimi Hendrix' All along the Watchtower, I think the cover completely outshines the original. There's a lot of feeling in the song, and despite being recorded on a phone (vertically!) the emotion of the singer really comes through, I'm hoping the massive exposure he's gotten in the last few days since it was posted will prompt a proper recording of the track. (I could do without hearing "That kid looks just like you!" "...Thats my kid" again :P )
As an aside, are there any users or tags you'd recommend following for finding new music and tracks? /r/listentothis was my all time favorite subreddit, and I'd love to see something similar here on hubski.