After discussion with OftenBen, he/we hope to run these every second Tuesday, more or less. First quotes thread here.
"My diaries are safe with me now. One entry from June, 1989, says, 'Lies written in ink cannot cover truth written with blood.' I know there are millions of diaries like mine hidden all over China, and their owners are waiting to bring them into the light." - Rowena XiaoQing He, author of Tiananmen Exiles: Voices of the Struggle for Democracy in China
This quote is from a newspaper article about China's attempt to suppress all knowledge of the Tiananmen Square massacre. I found the quote and the whole article troubling and inspiring.
I will shoutout once to previous participants so you know it's coming down the line. In general, follow OftenBen:
blackbootz, xenophon, betta90210, nowaypablo, AnSionnachRua, flagamuffin, JamesTiberiusKirk, b_b, NikolaiFyodorov, ghostoffuffle, humanodon, rob05c, Herestolife, c_hawkthorne, tehstone, beezneez, notbillgates, insomniasexx, briandmyers, AFaucetConk, thenewgreen, rezzeJ, josselinco, mk, blackfox026, mhr, blackfox026, Roycliffe, nishant625, wilkeywoman