I'm still attempting to catch up with everything that happened, so my apologies for any outstanding or incorrect information. This is what I've been able to gather so far:
Giant Bomb, an extremely popular video game blog and podcast recently hired two more people - both men in an already exclusively male cast. Samantha Allen runs a pretty popular gaming podcast and blog of her own, as well as having written several editorial pieces for other game sites and speaking at gaming conventions and conferences across the country about the increasingly relevant gender issues the industry faces.
Here is a tweet she made on Sunday about the news:
... Cue unrelenting abuse and harassment from, you guessed it, the men. And I do mean "unrelenting" - her feed is absolutely bombarded with such hateful, vitriolic bile from thousands of people. It should probably go without saying that you don't want to read any of these exchanges, and if you do huge trigger warning for just about every offense toward women you can imagine.
Seeing everything transpire just makes my heart sink even lower than it already has. I am also a trans woman with aspirations in the field of video games and computer science. Is this what I have to look forward to? By merely participating in something I love? I shudder at the thought.