The following factors are all a direct result of the Jews believing that “Even the best of the Goyim should all be killed”, a statement right out of the Talmud, and their trying to keep the Federal Reserve, which they privately own, in power above the entire government.
Precepts of the Talmud:
Having this mindset is what causes the Jew to screw you over every time, and now that Jews control the entire government, the government also has the same mindset. Yet, it is 100% impossible to follow the Talmud and the Constitution at the same time.
The Jews want a Utopia for themselves with you as their slave and are trying to make you stupid, sick, poor, and to reduce your lifespan using the below, trying to make you a slave to them, a “New World Order”. It is 100% obvious that between Israel and the entirely Jew owned Federal Reserve Bank / Central Bankers it is all Jews who are doing this to you. Do you want those who believe that “Even the best of the Goyim should all be killed” to govern you?
You might consider yourself a good person, but your changing of things for the good goes out the window when these scumbags control the larger picture. You can stop them by swiping the legs out from under them by simply abolishing the Federal Reserve Bank, which they privately own, and was unconstitutional ever since Congress gave away all its power over the money supply to it, and which Jews are using to run all of the below programs in order to retain their power over you.
Get the Jews out of government, refrain from electing Jews or letting them have positions in banking by abolishing the Federal Reserve Bank.
Adath Yisrael a Jew said: "The U.S. has no longer a government of Goyim, but an administration in which the Jews are full partners in the decision making at all levels."
Henry Kissinger a jew said: “To create a New World Order, the illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."
GLOBAL KILL FACTORS: (population reduction), life shortening and IQ lowering:
Chemtrails - Aluminum and Barium dumped into the sky as Chemtrails / Geo-Engineering attempts to lower IQ, and cause Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases to reduce lifespan.
GMO / Pesticides attempts to replace all natural food with poisonous GMO food to shorten lifespan, and pollute the earth.
Vaccines with additives designed to cause disease and shorten lifespan. Fluoride in water cause cancer and reduce IQ.
Biological Weapons i.e. Ebola and other man made viruses.
Minimal inspection of foreign sourced food.
Polluting fresh water aquifers, and rivers with Fracking.
Polluting the rivers and lands with radiation leaks and waste from nuclear power.
Common Core dumb down of education i.e. saying math answers are a “consensus”. i.e. 2+2=5.
“Re-writing” history in textbooks.
Totally controlling the mainstream news with censorship and propaganda.
Dumb entertainment: i.e. dancing with the stars, football.
News reports saying falsified “scientific” studies are truth.
Complete control of the money supply via Central Banking.
Privately owned Federal Reserve Bank, owned by all Jews, which merely prints money and then charges the interest on it to you, the hardworking tax payer, 40% of your taxes go to pay the Federal Reserve Bank, which itself, as a "non-profit" corporation, pays no taxes at all, yet makes 84 Billion a year in profit.
Intentional economic crashes.
Corporations defined as “people” so the owners can’t be put in jail, and a corporation itself can’t be “put in jail”.
Giving huge amounts of money to Israel and charging to you through taxes.
Keeping wars going for profit.
Hijacking plans and killing the passengers to get full ownership of patents. i.e. Flight 370
Opening the borders to hordes of dumb uneducated immigrants who immediately go on Welfare, which your taxes pay for.
NSA spying, everything is being watched and recorded.
Giving such collected information to Israel.
Sending local police to train in Israel.
Militarization of police, giving tanks to local police.
Agenda 21.
Gun confiscation.
Censorship of speech in media and social media.
Making “Everything a Crime”.
Failed war in drugs for confiscating property and incarceration so inmates can be worked as slaves.
Giving control of the Internet to corporations.
Federal Reserve bank is privately owned corporation and controls the government, a corporation controlling the government is not Constitutional.
Allowing the giving of unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns.
Forcing payment for Government run health care by lying “you can keep your plan”.
Training the military to use snipers on PEACEFUL protest leaders.
Global warming lies designed to take your freedoms to reduce “carbon footprint”.
Manufactured terrorists i.e.: Al Queda, ISIS.
Saying the "Tea Party" is a terrorist group just because they know the Tea Party is based on the Constitution.
False flags i.e. 9/11, ISIS be-headings, Boston bombing, Aurora shooting, Sandy Hook shooting, to fool people to give up guns.
Releasing man made viruses i.e. Lyme’s Disease, special strains of Ebola, Hyping viruses to fool you into taking life shortening vaccines i.e.: Swine flu, Human Papilloma virus hype i.e. Gardasil vaccine.
Ebola hype for fool people into making Ebola vaccine mandatory, again to shorten your life.
Creating racial tension i.e. against Blacks, and Muslims.
Continually trying to topple foreign governments by giving weapons to CIA run “rebels”. i.e. ISIS.
Using False Flags to put blame on countries to attack them and take their resources i.e. 9/11, Flight M17 in the Ukraine.
Central bankers giving loans to countries with attached conditions like mandatory planting of GMO.
NSA spying on foreign governments and business to utilize collected data for manipulation and profit.
ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK WHICH IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER, and is owned entirely by Jews, you can see from the very actions of this extremely evil organization how evil the Jews really are, again all Jews, as Jews, believe: "Even the best of the Goyim should all be killed":
S. 209, the Senate version to more deeply audit the Fed, is also alive as the 113th Congress draws to a close late this year. Time is of the essence, apply strong pressure on both houses of Congress to revive this movement to make the Fed Reserve history. Call Capitol Hill at 202-224-3121 or 225-3121.
Primary sources:
A century of enslavement, a History of the Federal Reserve:
Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve Bank:
At 27:00 in the following, Aaron Russo explains what the Jew Bankers told him:
A presidential candidate explains the Jews doing 9/11:
Ron Paul says when the dollar crashes, the Federal Reserve will take away your Constitutional Rights, at 28:00:
Precepts of the Talmud: