printJANUS: Searching for a Sound that Doesn’t Exist
by sardis
There’s a lot of homeless club music right now, which is really weird to see. There are a lot of scenes and networks that get promoted but there isn’t a place where it exists. That’s why Berghain’s such a huge brand name—it’s had residents who have helped to manufacture and sharpen a very specific sound and kind of techno. I think as residencies become less and less the norm, club music becomes more theoretical. It’s like people could dance to this somewhere. This might go off in a club somewhere, I don’t know what club, because I don’t play anywhere. There’s a lot of that. Music has always been made for the space it was supposed to be in. Madrigals and early choral music, that was made for big churches which had a lot of reverb, so it was meant to work with reverb. So that’s still a problem that’s being worked out in club music. Because you have club music that’s made in a lot of different spaces that travels and goes everywhere, even though it’s not sonically supposed to work in the places that it ends up being played.