One point to the first person to guess, without research or consultation, the following three values, correct within an order of magnitude.
(1) The profit on a gallon of gasoline earned by a gas station in the U.S. during 2011.
(2) The profit on a gallon of gasoline earned by ExxonMobil on gasoline sold in the U.S. in 2011.
(3) The combined local, state and federal taxes on a gallon of gasoline sold in New York state in 2011.
It is not a simple matter to get trustworthy numbers, but the range in values I have found for these statistics is far less than the range of guesses considered correct. (By "within an order of magnitude" I mean, if the actual value is 75, correct answers must be between 7.5 and 750.)
Answers should be three numbers in U.S. dollars. The year 2011 was selected because of ease in finding data, not for anything particular about that year.