This post was, in part, inspired by galen's college-entry post which can be found here. It's as simple or complex as you would like it to be - what was the best thing to happen to you in 2014, or what was the best thing you did in 2014? The year is pretty much over, but if something were to happen over the next week feel free to edit your post.
For me, it's a toss-up which will be outlined through 1a and 1b.
1a. Getting a job. Having the security in knowing there is a job waiting after college is a great feeling, but, if it was for a company I wasn't very interested in things would be different. I was fortunate enough to land a great opportunity with a growing and well-known company that many of you will likely have heard of. It's a company that I want to work for, and that makes it much easier. That, and it fell in one of the few regions of the country I would actually like to live in. Financial security in the future is nice too.
1b. Therapy was nice and helped with a lot with some issues and I'm not quite as crazy as I have been this year (still a little crazy). Either way, it turned out to be a great and much overdo decision and I actually stopped going a little over a month ago now.