Sweet jesus it's tomorrow and every draft I print out looks like face-palm cringing crap.
I've got drafts on drafts on drafts for this minute-long speech and for the first time in my life I can't finish it.
My goals for this speech are as such: to look strong, determined, straightforward, and at least a little bit funny.
I'll be speaking 3 separate times, one per each of the underclass grades of my high school. It'll be in an auditorium setting at best, and a portable podium facing gymnasium bleachers at worst, both settings are mic'd.
Possibly helpful context:
>I was class president at least once before
>This is not a class office bid but an S.O. (Student Organization) president bid, which is in charge of larger school-wide matters like appropriating funding to school clubs, instead of individual grade stuff like prom.
>My H.S. is tippity-top but due to some random ranking standards changing and other totally-irrelevant-to-the-S.O. stuff its ranking fell drastically this year. I still aim to make it look like the S.O. could do something about it, if that's even worth focusing on.
>I haven't written in all the breaks for breath and spoken punctuations but I'm aware of them so dw about run-ons.
I'd appreciate any suggestions, especially if they completely dismiss the bs I've thrown down so far and can inspire me to create something more solid/tangible/less-bullshitty and also effective!!!!!
I'll also link this super dope article that is probably the most effective list of speech-writing tips I've read through so far, for the unrelated-ly curious.
My name is in there and so is my town, but please don't find me and murder my loved ones:)
EDIT: The Google doc is a forsaken abyss. At this point I'd much rather appreciate help on what I think is my biggest problem: crafting an introduction.