Eyes Right
Eyes wide!
Or youʼll miss the spectacle of your final moment.
An explosion of rust, Iron and fire tearing,
A man from his place.
The finger,
Removing itself from the trigger.
The weapon,
Far from the target.
Eyes wide, or youʼll miss it!
Teeth bared.
Mouths open in laughter.
Fists raised in triumph.
Eyes close, or youʼll feel it.
When the hole makes its home in your heart.
When you will laugh,
And bare your teeth and
Raise your hands.
Clap. Celebrate.
Your enemy is vanquished.
Eyes down, or theyʼll know it.
What youʼve done.
Those who love you,
Will know their mistake if,
They can see yours.
Eyes wide open!
Eyes wide or youʼll miss it!
The spectacle of your final moment.