Note: You can follow me on Instagram @supergeniustay or the instagram tag #tayandkev2015, which has both mine and randomuser photos.
Got 95% of my work done about 5 minutes before hopping in the car to LAX.
randomuser and I arrive in Curaçao around 2pm local time tomorrow. Then we get to mix a work a play for 10 solid days under the hot, humid Caribbean sun.
Interesting factoids that might earn you a correct question on Jeopardy one day:
In the early years, both Shell and Exxon held drilling concessions in Venezuela, which ensured a constant supply of crude oil to the refineries in Aruba and Curaçao. Crude oil production in Venezuela was inexpensive. The integrated companies Shell and Exxon controlled the entire industry from pumping, transporting and refining to marketing the end product. The refineries on Aruba and Curaçao operated in global markets and were profitable partly because the of margin between the production costs of crude oil and the revenues realized on products. This provided a safety net for losses incurred through inefficiency or excessive operating costs at the refineries. The nationalization of the oil industry in Venezuela in 1975 was a setback. The companies had to buy oil on the international markets at higher prices. As the Shell refinery on Curaçao was best equipped to process the Venezuelan heavy crude, the company was subject to Venezuelan oil politics when it came to price and supply. Coupled with high operating costs, these difficulties were the reasons the refinery on Curaçao continually operated at a loss
And a bonus for last week's #tagoftheweek (Meriadoc):