I guess it would only be fair to explain why I asked the question. I used to have some pretty vivid nightmares when I was young, but only a few really stuck out. About a night or two ago I woke up pretty much drenched in sweat because I had a nightmare I hadn't had in a really long time. This nightmare just happened to be the worst I can remember. The only reason I think it is the worst is because I was pretty young when I had it and it just stuck with me.
The nightmare happened almost the same way. I woke up in my room as a kid again. I could hear my younger sister crying, so I walked to my door. When I stepped into the hallway I felt the blood-soaked carpet make this mushy sound. I can remember the warm feeling between my toes. I remember putting my ear to my sisters door, and I could just hear her whimpering. For whatever reason I keep going towards my parents room. When I get in I flip on the switch, and I see this big formless shadow hovering over my mom. It is slicing the skin from her face. It immediately stops what it's doing and looks up at me. I'm half expecting this void to stare back at me, but instead the thing is wearing my dad's face. It slowly lifts itself from my mom, and begins to approach me. I back into the hallway only to be stopped by the sound of my sisters door opening. When I look over another shadow is sliding towards me wearing my younger sisters face. I manage to wake up moments before they are able to like grab me.
It's a pretty crazy experience thinking back. I was just wondering if anyone has a nightmare that they remember that is just plain scary, or creepy. Also, the nightmare doesn't have to be terrifying like mine was it could be something more realistic.