I am very interested in the idea of learning through play, and I would like to know what opportunities for this have come up for Hubski's teachers. From my own classroom experience we've had a few opportunities to play Kodu, where you either directly control a character or give it programmed instructions -- I found great personal success working with a SEN student who was determined to create a space invaders mini-game.
I have experimented at home with programming Minecraft through Python and look forward to being able to work this into the classroom, I especially aim to tie it in with the BBC micro:bit and have already tested some ideas out using TouchDevelop as it has a built-in micro:bit emulator and libraries to work with both, nothing exciting yet just making the LEDs light up when the player jumps... but it's a start!
Some resources I have come across that I liked on this subject: Three ways to use Minecraft imaginatively in the classroom